Detail CIE

CIE Features

The CIE is the evolution of the paper – based identity card. It measures the size of a credit card (85.60mm wide by 53.98mm high) ...

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CIE verification procedure

Upon verification of production processes, some Electronic Identity Cards present a chip flaw: the chip contains an issue date different from the correct date reported ...

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Delivery times

The Electronic Identity Card is personalized and printed by the Italian State Printing Works and Mint (Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato), which also provide ...

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Electronic Identity Card (CIE)

What is it and what is its purpose The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identity document of the Italian citizens issued by the Ministry ...

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Entra con CIE – Level 3

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the access key, guaranteed by the State and issued by the Ministry of the Interior, which allows the citizen ...

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How to recover the PUK of the Electronic Identity Card (CIE)

Have you lost the PUK of your Electronic Identity Card (CIE)? Find out how to recover it.

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Organ and tissue donation

When applying for the issuance of the Electronic Identity Card, the citizen may declare the intention to donate organs and tissues. After the issuance of ...

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Press kit

CIE, a project to report! Are you a journalist looking for information and material to write an articleabout the Electronic Identity Card (CIE)? Here you ...

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At the basis of the Electronic Identity Card project lies the following regulatory framework: Il Regolamento UE n° 910/2014 – eIDAS Il Regolamento eIDAS (electronic ...

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The Electronic Identity Card valid for expatriation, can be used by citizens to travel on national territory and to EU Member States. On the website ...

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