The PIN (Personal Identification Numberand PUK (Personal Unblocking Numbersecurity codes are issued together with the CIE.

The PIN and PUK codes of the CIE have the same usage principle as that of a SIM card:

  • PIN code is necessary to authorize access to online digital services;

  • PUK code is necessary for de-blocking the PIN code (blocked after three consecutive entries of an incorrect code) and to set a new one.

The paper receipt provided by the clerk once all steps of the application procedure have been completed contains first half of the PIN and PUK codes.

The second half, necessary to complete them, is instead provided to with the accompanying letter present in the envelope with which the citizen receives the CIE.

The citizen must join the two parts of the codes and carefully store them. 

In case of loss of the PIN code, it is possible to set a new PIN using the PUK code, via smartphone using the CieID app and from computer using the CIE Software.

In case of loss of the PUK code, you can recover it by following the instructions here.


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